The definitive place to get the latest updates on Kafala.


October 28, 2020 | English

Lebanon was on the way to implementing a new system that would have paved the way for putting an end to the notorious “kafala” sponsorship system. However, a Lebanese court just took that progress back to square one.


October 27, 2020 | English

The expected move would be the latest in a series of economic reforms as the country turns away from dependence on oil revenues.


October 27, 2020 | English

Saudi Arabia Moving towards canceling worker sponsorship (Kafala) system during first half of 2012, Maaal newspaper said.


October 26, 2020 | Italian

Dagli albori del suo sviluppo, il capitalismo ha promosso una divisione del lavoro e dei lavoratori strumentale a sfruttare l’attività lavorativa dei gruppi più deboli e, nel caso preso in esame in questo elaborato, vi è stata una normalizzazione della separazione di genere, di classe e/o razziale tra lavoro di riproduzione sociale e di produzione economica. Questo sistema ha permesso al gruppo etnico maggioritario o alla classe sociale privilegiata un’espropriazione del lavoro domestico e di cura ad un costo molto basso – se non a costo zero – della popolazione femminile inferiorizzata e/o razzializzata.


October 26, 2020 | Arabic

بقرارٍ قضائي، كسرت نقابة أصحاب مكاتب استقدام العاملات/ العمال في الخدمة المنزلية قرار دخول عقد العمل الموحد موضع التنفيذ. لم يكن الكسر اعتراضاً على الثغرات والنواقص التي تعتري العقد، وإنّما لأن هذا الأخير مسّ بمصالحهم وأرباحهم. لجأوا إلى مجلس شورى الدولة واتخذوا صفة الادعاء، بالأصالة عن أنفسهم وبالنيابة عن أصحاب العمل، في وجه وزارة العمل وأصحاب الحقوق المعنيين في العقد


October 26, 2020 | English

According to local newspaper Al Akhbar, the top administrative court in Lebanon has reportedly blocked the implementation of a proposed labor contract that would have ensured basic employee rights for foreign migrant workers, who have long been a target of systematic discrimination in Lebanon.


October 26, 2020 | English

Officials said the new standard contract for domestic workers would be the first step needed to abolish the kafala system


October 26, 2020 | Swahili

Shirika la Umoja wa Mataifa la uhamiaji IOM limesema ukosefu wa ajira endelevu na makazi salama kutokana na janga la corona au COVID-19 na athari zake za kiuchumi vimewaacha maelfu ya wafanyakazi wahamiaji nchini Lebanon katrika hatari kubwa ya usafirishaji haramu wa binadamu na ukatili.


October 24, 2020 | Arabic

The Council of State suspended the implementation of the unified contract for migrant domestic workers putting new barriers to the reform of the Kafala system. #WomensRights #lebanon


October 24, 2020 | French



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