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Internazionale writes about Kafala Lebanon

December 31, 2020 | Italian

Un aereo in arrivo da Beirut sta per atterrare sulla pista dell’aeroporto internazionale di Yaoundé-Nsimalen. A bordo circa cinquanta donne di ogni età intonano l’inno nazionale camerunese mentre piangono a dirotto. Stanno tornando a casa dopo mesi passati a lottare per sfuggire al pantano libanese, vittime collaterali di un paese in fase terminale.

Open Democracy Writes about Kafala and This Is Lebanon

December 30, 2020 | English

Women are leading anti-racist activism around the world, from Black Brazilians running for election to Germany’s migrant rights movement. #12DaysofResistance

The Pioneer writes about Kafala Lebanon

December 30, 2020 | English

If the Government of India does not hold bilateral discussion with farmers now holding a dharana in New Delhi, then workers, unemployed youths and students will join the farmers movement and the Government will be responsible for all consequences, threatened former Rajya Sabha MP, INBCWWF president and INTUC national vice president Dr Rama Chandra Khuntia in his opening address at a workshop here.

Morocco World News writes about Kafala Lebanon

December 24, 2020 | English

Rabat – While Moroccans have been preoccupied with their country’s geopolitics regarding Israel and Western Sahara, several trends are emerging in the Middle East. 2020 has been dominated by the pandemic and its economic fallout, but diplomacy never sits still. As a key part of the Middle East and North Africa, Morocco’s future will be impacted by the issues that dominate the region.

Gli Stati Generali writes about Kafala Lebanon

December 22, 2020 | Italian

Dubai: Hussain Al-Nowais è talmente potente che, quando lo colgono con le mani nel sacco – ovvero: quando ha corrotto qualcuno per fare affari – lui ammette tutto, e sostiene di avere avuto ragione a farlo. Fino al 2017 era intoccabile. Poi, l’economia medievalista araba è entrata in una nuova fase, e lui è scappato a Cipro.

Mediapart writes about Kafala Lebanon

December 22, 2020 | French

Dubaï : Hussain Al-Nowais est si puissant que lorsqu'ils l'attrapent en flagrant délit - c'est-à-dire lorsqu'il a soudoyé quelqu'un pour faire des affaires - il admet tout et prétend qu'il avait raison de le faire. Jusqu'en 2017, il était intouchable. Puis, l'économie médiévale arabe est entrée dans une nouvelle phase, et il s'est enfui à Chypre

Pulitzer Center writes about Kafala Lebanon

December 21, 2020 | English

If a trafficked domestic worker makes it to Saudi Arabia, they are subject to the control of a kafeel, an employment sponsor under the kafala system.

Harvard writes about Kafala Lebanon

December 21, 2020 | English

Two hundred and fifty thousand workers under the Kafala system in Lebanon are currently struggling to survive in an exploitative system. Conflicts within the country due to an economic recession and corruption add to the challenges these workers face.

The961 Articles About This Is Lebanon and Kafala

December 20, 2020 | English

On International Human Rights Day, eight ambassadors to Lebanon from Canada, Denmark, Finland, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom joined together to list areas where Lebanon must act to promote and improve its human rights situation.

The961 Articles About This Is Lebanon and Kafala

December 20, 2020 | English

As he bid farewell, British Ambassador to Lebanon Chris Rampling criticized Lebanon’s leaders, saying they lacked responsibility facing their country’s crises, including that of the Kafala System.


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