Cases of Kafala Abuse in Lebanon
Mohammad Khalife sucked Sara's breasts till they bled and threatened to kill her. She was filmed being beaten in Zahra Akoum's agency.
Joudy is a recruitment agent. She put Gifty with over 15 employers, beat her, and stole her salary. All in a day's work for a Lebanese recruitment agency.
"An important person in the government'' according to the agent, deprived Mariama of food, falsely accused her and withheld her salary.
The Haddads found a convenient way to avoid paying Cecilia her salary - they threw her out on the street.
Hussein Ali works for the Jaafari Court. He stole Aregash's salary and sold her to a new employer. All his promises to pay have proved false.
Some people go to extreme measures to avoid paying their worker her salary. Rita Azar moved house while her worker was on her off day.