Lebanon’s Court Handles A Criminal Case Involving Slavery For The First Time

This is a big step forward for the rights of the domestic workers in Lebanon. The first criminal case brought by a domestic migrant worker against her former employer was held in Beirut.

The human rights organization LAW has been helping migrant workers in Lebanon by providing them legal assistance during their stay. It advocates for a change in behavior in the society toward migrant workers and an abolition of the Kafala System.

The Kafala system controls all aspects of the migrant workers’ stay in Lebanon.

It is a kind of sponsorship system between a family and a migrant worker that allows the sponsor to have total control over the foreign worker.

Through a signed contract, which foreign workers don’t understand most of the time since not written in their language, the Kafala has proven to be a “slavery system which makes your whole life under someone’s wishes” .

English | October 21, 2021



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