Cases of Kafala Abuse in Lebanon.

September 23, 2024

THE VIDEOTHE STORYKhadija, 26, Sierra Leonean, was orphaned at an early age. In order to support her children she made the difficult decision to work abroad. Her cousin was a recruiting agent and offered to find her work in Lebanon. She sold everything she owned, including her mobile phone, to raise the money required to […]

August 6, 2024

After 17 months of negotiations, TIL secured $5,000 of the $9,000 owed to Tigist, who has now returned to Ethiopia after enduring years of exploitation and confinement.

November 8, 2023

Jessayln's employer moved to Australia so it was relatively easy to help her get her 4 months unpaid salary. There are laws around enforced labour in Australia.

August 15, 2023

Samira was "happy, happy, happy" to receive the 5 months salary she was owed by "the wicked family who treated her like an animal".

March 23, 2023

After more than a year of negotiations, Martha was finally paid her 18 months salary.


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