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Adebiyi Kafayat, Nigerian, contacted This Is Lebanon in August 2020 concerned that she hadn’t received any salary since March. She sent us a detailed spreadsheet that her employers, Ibrahim and Nancy Sanyoura of Beirut, kept. Salary deductions were made for hair cuts, wifi usage, etc. Kafayat wrote,

“He's the most stingy man I have ever seen in my life. The only expenses he and his wife spent on me were less than $50 dollars. He even took back the phone charger.”

The Sanyouras owed Kafayat $800 in unpaid salary. On the day she left  Beirut on a free flight paid for by the consulate, the Sanyouras gave her $100 with a promise to send the balance later. Instead, they blocked her. Our attempts to negotiate with the Sanyouras on her behalf also resulted in being blocked.

The People

“He's the most stingy man I have ever seen in my life. The only expenses he and his wife spent on me were less than $50 dollars. He even took back the phone charger.” - Kafayat

Ibrahim Sanyoura

Still owes Kafayat months of unpaid salary and charged her unnecessarily for basic items/ facilities that should have been included when hiring a domestic worker.

Nancy Sanyoura

Wife of Ibrahim. Counted with her husband the cost of every small item that should have been included when hiring a domestic worker, and took it from Kafayat's salary.

Kafayat Adebiyi

From Nigeria, she went to work in Lebanon under the Sanyoura family and ended up being charged for basic necessities and is owed months of unpaid salary.


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Talk to the Sanyoura Family and ask them to pay Kafayat her rightfully owed salary.

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اتصلت أديبي كفايات، نيجيرية الأصل، بجمعية "هذا لبنان" في آب 2020، تعرب عن قلقها من أنها لم تقبض أي راتب منذ آذار. أرسلت إلينا جدولاً مفصلاً كان يحتفظ به أصحاب العمل، إبراهيم ونانسي سنيورة من بيروت. تم اقتطاع مبالغ من الراتب مقابل قص الشعر، واستخدام الواي فاي، وما إلى ذلك. كتبت لنا كفايات:

"إنه الرجل الأكثر بخلاً قد رأيته في حياتي. المصاريف الوحيدة التي أنفقها هو وزوجته عليّ كانت أقل من 50 دولار. حتى أنه استرجع مني شاحن الهاتف."

كانت عائلة سنيورة تدين للعاملة كفايات براتب غير مدفوع تبلغ قيمته 800 دولار. في اليوم الذي غادرت فيه بيروت على متن رحلة مجانية على حساب القنصلية، أعطتها عائلة سنيورة 100 دولار مع وعد بإرسال المبلغ المتبقي لاحقاً. لكن بدلاً من ذلك، قاموا بحظرها. كما أن محاولاتنا للتفاوض مع عائلة سنيورة نيابة عنها كانت نتيجتها الحظر أيضاً.

Ibrahim and Nancy Sanyoura owe Worker $800

Ibrahim and Nancy calculated every expense down to the lira and deducted from Kifayat's salary for Wifi usage. They sent her home with $800 salary unpaid.


Kafayat Adebiyi


Ibrahim and Nancy Sanyoura



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